Detention ponds are basically open areas designed to hold rainwater at shallow depth. It basically offers temporary storage capacity and attenuation for stormwater runoff. Detention ponds have a filtration benefit as well as they help facilitate some settling of pollutants within the stormwater.
Detention ponds are usually designed to stay dry for most of the year. The land can be used for other activities within a neighbourhood or school. The ponds may include some vegetation and wet area to help with wildlife biodiversity and treatment of runoff. Some detention ponds can be adopted by Water Companies.
Detention ponds are usually one of the first SuDS choices for designers if sufficient space is available within the site to design them safely and effectively. There have been complaints in the past about children safety and littering (which may attract rodents). However, a well-designed ponds should eliminate such risks effectively. In cases where sufficient land area is not available, an underground attenuation solution may be more appropriate and cost effective.