
Filtration and removal of FOG and sediment is one of the main pillars of a SuDS system. A number of natural and proprietary SuDS can be used to help treat surface water runoff. The use of SuDS would depend on a range of factors and challenges associated with cleaning and maintenance, space availability and the nature of contaminants expected in stormwater.

The systems identified below are all 100% accessible for maintenance and cleaning and can be washed occasionally with high-pressure water jetting.

Vortex separators

Chambers for silt capture, litter and oil separation


Perforated chamber rings with open voids or filters to enable percolation and infiltration of stormwater to the ground

Road gullies

Receives stormwater runoff from paved areas. Offers gravity separation of silt

Filter gullies

Gullies fitted with filters to remove oils, silt, debris.

High capacity road gullies

Increase capacity road gullies to receive runoff from surfaces prone to flooding

Concrete pipes

Produced in different sizes to convey and temporarily store stormwater. Can be employed to offer some treatment

Perforated precast troughs

Used for shallow and deep channel application

Treatment chambers

Chambers used to remove foreign objects, FOG and silt


Offers gravity separation of debris and silt


Filter catchpits

Catchpits with additional filters to remove oils and silt

Grey water recycling tanks

Chambers which can offer grey water recycling prior to storage

Rainwater filter chambers

Chambers which remove leaf and grit from rainwater prior to storage at tanks